Schildwächter – Ideas and Solutions by Carsten Thiel

Recording Hikes

Over the past two years I have been hiking quite a bit and I like to keep track of it and share some trips with friends.

This is how I do it that.

  1. I record my trips using the OsmAnd app on my phone.
  2. For pictures I have my Sony RX100M3 with a small flexible Linocell tripod. It fits easily in my pack’s hip belt pocket and the timer and remote control via phone are very handy.
  3. After the trip, I use RouteConverter to make sure the GPS track is correct. It allows to (re)move wrong points, either due to a bad reading or because more than the actual hike was recorded. I also use it to fix my elevation, as my phone is very erratic on this.
  4. I use darktable to get a correctly processed image.

    1. Apply the GPS track to include locations.
    2. Start from the default of sharpen, orientation and base curve.
    3. Then adjust white balance, shadows and highlights, and, if necessary, contrast and exposure as appropriate.
    4. I tend to use lens correction only when there are visible distortions
    5. Finally, crop and rotate allows me to get the part of the picture I actually want.
  5. I then upload my track to AdventureLog with some nice pictures for showing off.

Trip planning (in Norway)

  1. The website is undoubtedly the best for finding inspiration in Norway.
  2. Lots of interesting places are listed in DNT SjekkUT.
  3. A physical map can help immensely to get an overview and works without battery and in direct sunlight. Don’t forget a compass and a map sleeve!
  4. On Norgeskart you can create a personal map of exactly the area you want to go to.
  5. Make sure to have a packing list, LighterPack if you don’t like paper.
Tags: hiking