23 Mar 2015
I finally managed to split my dotfiles into public and private parts.
The public stuff is now available from GitHub.
The setup is no longer using bash scripts but has been redone to utilise puppet apply.
The config can be extended through a dotsecrets directory.
01 Mar 2015
I have been running gitolite for hosting my private Git repositories for a while now.
As simple and useful as it is, I have always missed web based access to the repositories à la GitHub.
While Gitlab may be a widely used alternative, its requirements and installation through a 300mb omnibus package is a bit heavy weight for my taste.
Along comes gogs – the “Go Git Service”. A simple, yet elegant git server offering the most important features.
It offers the most basic features such as code hosting with issues, organisations, LDAP login as well as forks and pull request models.
Ubuntu packages are available through packager.io.
While the list of issues contains a lot of feature requests, the development appears to be quite active and there seems to be a large user base.
04 Aug 2014
To correct an exif timestamp by 5 years, 10 months, 2 days, 10 hours, 48 minutes and 7 seconds, run:
exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal+=5:10:2 10:48:07" FILE.jpg
25 Mar 2014
Zwischenzeitlich ist meine Dissertation mit dem Titel
Adelic convex geometry of numbers
22 Mar 2014
– deutsch
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